United American FWB Denomination
General Church Tabernacle
The permanent headquarters of the Denomination is located in Kinston, North Carolina. In June 1981, the General Church Tabernacle building was completed and dedicated to uncompromising Christian service. The project was the last begun by the late Senior Bishop, R. D. Pridgen and completed during the tenure of the General Bishop, W. L. Jones. The edifice was constructed in a traditional black neighborhood of low-to-moderate housing to help infuse self esteem and God centered pride in the community the Tabernacle would be serving. The site has further historical significance. It was the former location of Kinston College, a groundbreaking, Church-owned Institution of Learning for blacks during the first quarter of the 20th Century.
In 1989, the Denomination was further blessed by the addition of an Administrative and Educational Center built adjacent to the General Church Tabernacle. This was accomplished under the inspirational guidance of Bishop J. E. Reddick.
NWB Conference
The early leaders of the General Church were having thoughts concerning the expansion of our denomination and after much discussion and reasoning, it was decided that ONE Northwest Annual Conference was too large, and it should be divided. This did not please all and there were differing opinions, but after much serious debate, deliberation, and prayer, it was finally decided, and the ONE large conference was to be divided into TWO Divisions, “A” and “B.” Certain boundary lines were drawn, and churches were assigned according to their location. This action resulted in the birth of our conference, Northwest Annual Conference “B” Division. After many years of success and service, the Denomination voted to drop the word “Division.” We are now, Northwest “B” Annual Conference.
The NWB Conference consists of 46 organized churches who cooperate to help people hear and understand the good news of Jesus Christ as it is explained in the Bible; estimated 3000 membership; 4 Annual Conventions (Home Mission, Sunday School, Ushers and YPCL – Young People Christian League); 6 District Unions; 6 Fellowships ( Deacons, Elders, Eldress, Local Trustees, Mothers and Pastors), the Young Adult Plus Ministry and the Department of Christian Education. The headquarters of the NWB Conference is in Kinston.
Our Aim:
- To rid ourselves of fear and indecision
- To become a strength with spiritual forces
- To become a conference with God in full recognition
- To be highway messengers for the glory road travelers
- To become students of the Word with a message for this day and time
- To show that we are Christians by our LOVE