Northwest "B" Conference
United American FWB Denomination, Incorporated

Annual Conference Officers:

Presiding Annual Bishop: Bishop Antonio Blow

Assistant to the Bishop: Pastor Charlie Howell, Jr.

Chairman of Board of Trustees: Deacon Moses Ramsey

Financial Secretary: Sister Sherba Allen

Assistant Financial Secretary: Sister Tonya King

Recording Secretary: Sister Rose Brown

Assistant Recording Secretary:

Treasurer: Deacon Leonard Parks

Steward: Trustee Clarence Bynum

Steward: Trustee James McLaurin

Steward: Trustee Roger L. Miles

Administrative Assistant: Pastor Dr. Edna R. Hall

Administrative Assistant: Pastor Dr. Joe N. Dixon

Minister of Music: Eldress Iris Jackson

Conference Coordinator: Mother Jean P. Whitfield


Bishop Emeritus: Bishop J.E. Reddick, D.D.

Bishop Emeritus’ Personal Aide: Trustee Herman L. Lewis

Bishop Emeritus’ Administrative Assistant: Pastor Dr. Michelle Gooding

Convention Presidents:

Home Mission Convention: Eldress Audrey Swinson

Sunday School Convention: Deacon Gary Jones

Usher Convention: Deacon Leonard Parks

Young People’s Christian League Convention: Sister Autumn D. Artis

Christian Education:

Christian Education Department: Sister Linda Mathis

Fellowship Leaders:

Deacons Fellowship: Deacon Clarence Bynum

Eldress Fellowship: Pastor Dalphine Hart

Mothers Fellowship: Mother Linda Fisher

Pastors Fellowship: Pastor Dexter Waters

Conference Trustees

Simon Becton
Augusta Best
Earl Best
Joseph Bizzell
Emma Burden
Leon Burden
Redgimond Davis
Elijah Gooding
Jerry Howell
Herman Lewis
James Lewis, Sr.
Annie Ramsey
Thelma E. Reddick
Ann Sims
Wilma Troublefield
Geneva Turner
William Turner
Donald Whitfield
George Williams
Dianne Worrells

NWB Care Team

Sister Sonia Joyner, RN
Sister Marietta "Cookie" Lofton, RN
Eldress Audrey Swinson
Mother Linda Fisher
Mother Almenter Pickett

Pastors and Churches